Centre of Deaf Education & Accessibility Forum

CDEAF recognizes that deaf individuals with mental health issues are a marginalized, under researched and under supported group in Canada. The vision of CDEAF is to create a forum to advance collaborative thoughts, ideas, and strategies within the area of mental health and deafness.


Drs. Birnbaum and Chovaz named co-directors of Research Institute with Children 

Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Distinguished University Professor Emerita in Social Work and Childhood and Youth Studies, and Dr. Cathy Chovaz,  Professor of Psychology, recipients of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) - Innovation Fund and  Ontario Research Fund – Large Infrastructure Fund (ORF – LIF), have been appointed as Co-Directors of the Research Institute with Children (RIC) . (read more...)


CDEAF is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge related to mental health and deafness. 


CDEAF recognizes that deaf individuals with mental health issues are a marginalized, under researched and under supported group in Canada.  The vision of CDEAF is to create a forum to advance collaborative thoughts, ideas, and strategies within the area of mental health and deafness.

“Alone  we can do so little: together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller 

From a small group of motivated individuals we recognized the work of many committed interpreters and clinicians involved in providing mental health services for Deaf People. It was clear that many professionals felt they were working with very little knowledge of best practices.  From this we organized the first Leading Educational Advancements in Deafness workshop housed under Deaf Educational Advancements Forum to bring clinicians and interpreters together for the first time to discuss how our roles intersect and impact mental health service delivery for Deaf people. With a group of over 80 participants representing various allied health professionals and interpreters from across Canada we started a conversation. We shared what we do with one another. In 2014, we continued that conversation at our very successful two day LEADs conference. Based on the feedback we collected from both of these events we hosted a one day LEADs conference with interpreters and clinicians followed by a three day mental health interpreter training symposium (MHITS) in June, 2015.   Both events received very positive feedback and we are very excited for the future.  It is our continued desire to improve mental health services for Deaf Canadians and support the dedicated professionals who work in this field.

Dr. Cathy Chovaz C.Psych
Director CDEAF

Ms. Angela Core
King's Interpreter